Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The journey begins...

Well, we've finally done it! Taken the leap and pulled our 8 1/2 (can't forget the all-important "half" ya know! *g*) son, Gordon, out of school so that we can teach him at home. Although a scary idea at first, it was one that was becoming very clearly necessary, just to get him away from the bullies, and to give him a chance to be challenged like we feel he needs to be, and like he wasn't being at school. I think this was a very big factor in his rapidly fading interest in learning - a sad thing to see in ANY child, but especially in one as bright as Gordy who shows so much potential! The more we talked about it, the more excited I became about the idea, and the more ideas that started to flow about how and what to teach him. At least this way, we could teach him how to put what he'd learned into practice in the "real world"... something that I've noticed is not a very big part of what gets taught in schools. It's still very much a scary leap for me...and for him... but one I'm gladly making if it means a happier child and a better family relationship.
I don't know if it's just coincidence, or not, but I've noticed that since Gordy was told that he DEFINITELY would be homeschooled, he seems to have settled down in many ways, and become a happier boy in general. He's a lot more willing to be a "part of the team" at home now, plus doesn't make a fuss over small things as often, and is just generally happier. Here's hoping it stays this way!

With a rather bumpy start (the first couple of days being a bit unpleasant, although a lot of that was due to heat), we're slowly starting to find things that work and keep him interested. Like playing Hangman to work out words he's having trouble spelling; doing times tables while helping me hang out the washing; watching a documentary DVD and using parts of it to write a story (ok, that didn't start off too well, but once he figured out where to start, with a rather, errr, firm nudge in the right direction...lesson learnt!! Don't give him too broad an area to get ideas from, he gets lost too easily!); and of course, good old computer games. These are all grabbing his interest, yet teaching him at the same time... but more importantly for now, it's also showing him that learning CAN be fun!! Something he seems to have forgotten after being at school, and needs a lot of work to be reminded about it. He sounds so surprised when we do something small, easy...and FUN and then I tell him that was his (fill in the blank) lesson for the day. He can't seem to get over that learning can really be THAT easy and fun. Gotta love that look!!! LOL!!
The hardest thing he seems to be having trouble dealing with at the moment, is the loneliness he's feeling. After going from a class full of kids to bounce ideas off, play with, talk to, etc, to just being at home with me... well, it's quite a shock to the system, and this time, NOT a pleasant one. But we're working on fixing that. Trying to find other kids for him to get to know and befriend, plus keeping in touch with a couple of the friends he made in school. This, for me, is by far the biggest focus for this term as we ease into a new way of life. Finding him friends, and teaching him how to have fun learning. If that's all I accomplish this term, then for me, that's still plenty!

Well, time to sign out now and go get a bit of MY work done. I'll be trying to keep this up daily, even if some of the entries end up being very brief. Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions/tips/advice, etc. All is appreciated! *s* And thanks for sharing our journey into the unknown.
Have a good night all!!

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