Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 4... and the happiness grows!

A nice cruisy day today... Gordy and Xani both spent most of the day off at my Mum's (their "Oma"), while Karl and I had just "US" time, but I wanted to make sure Gordy still got some work done. Now I wasn't entirely sure how things would go over at Mum's, as she's given me the very strong impression that she's not totally behind our decision to homeschool Gordy, but I sent him off with his spelling notebook, a maths book with instructions to do 2 pages, a chapter book with instructions to read it for at least half an hour, and the pages with his "brainstorming" for the designs for his "visual diaries" with instructions to use the brainstorming to start designing the covers for the visual diaries.
Picking him up from Mum's, he'd apparently had a small bit of fuss about his maths (nothing new there), but other than that, had done his work happily enough, although he had forgotten to do the designs for the visual diaries. Once we realised he'd forgotten to do those however, he happily rushed off to work on them at home, no fuss or anything. Not long after that was done, he even came and told me he was enjoying the homeschooling... here's hoping that lasts!! LOL!! But I reminded him that it wouldn't always be happy, easy, or fun... there would be rough times... but if we worked hard enough, then MOST of the time, things should be fun and happy.
So that's day 4, and Gordy and I are both feeling quite a bit better about this whole situation than we were two days ago. Can't believe week 1 is almost finished! Even with the school work thrown in, things still feel very much like the school holidays... no idea just how long that feeling will last though! Just hope I can continue to keep going, and throw in the towel! Still very much early days yet... but I'm starting to think we may just find a way to get over any hurdles thrown in our direction along this path we've chosen. Only time will tell.
Night all *s*

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