Monday, January 26, 2009

Somebody bring back my son... on 2nd thoughts, nah, I like the new Gordy better!!

Gordy had an awesome day today... Got stuck into his writing with creating a new character for this week's story (minor bit of fuss when he tried to do only the bare minimum, and I told him that was no longer going to "wash" with me... I wanted more details... but that settled pretty quickly once a few questions were asked and he realised he COULD do the extra detail!), happily sat down to draw a scene from the story he'd written last week, hung out two loads of washing without even a HINT of complaint... and was just plain in a good mood. And then there was the maths work! This is what makes me think someone's changed my son for a look-alike! I decided it was time to get started on the "Start Right Workbooks", and the Maths one was the first to be put through its paces. I expected the usual grizzles, the sitting there for ages, wasting time, trying to find EVERY excuse under the sun to delay actually doing the work... you know, the USUAL! Errr... not today it seems. After a brief explanation of the instructions (the topic should've been still quite fresh in his mind, because it was the same as one of the maths games he'd played on friday), he got working, with no grizzles! There was the occasional request for help, but he got the hang of it really quickly, and most of them he managed to work out how to do for himself. What REALLY shocked me??? He said it was FUN!!!!! WHAT THE??????? Ok, Gordy, Maths, and the word FUN just do NOT go together! Maths is boring, maths is hard, maths is unnecessary and stupid..... but it is definitely not fun! That is... until today! Have we made a break-through??? By Jove, I think we have! I guess only time will tell for sure, especially as to how long this new Gordy's going to hang around, but I certainly hope it's a permanent change.
I'm finding it easier now, as well, getting into the school-work each day. Slowly the routine (ugh.. still hate that horrible word!) is moulding itself into our days. Another couple of weeks to get it all completely sorted and under SOME form of control, but we're definitely, ALREADY, doing better than all through last term... so that's a huge bonus!! I'd forgotten all about the photography "foot" assignment though, so going to need to get onto that this week. Tomorrow's probably going to be mostly an arts n crafts day as I promised Gordy some sculpting time today, and time kinda ran away from us, plus there'll be his story-writing (setting the scene is tomorrow's task), and I'll probably still throw maths in there somewhere. Still, a relatively cruisy day ahead.
Anyways, the sculpting calls... night all.

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