Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 Summary

It's been a while since anything was posted - mainly because we have all been as busy as beavers with out butts on fire (mainly due to the ongoing and ever-accelerating demands of the littlest member of our clan.)

Gordy's homeschooling is progressing well. Though his lack of clear determination and self-motivation have hampered the "unschooling" de-programming, it has finally reached that critical threshhold where he has discovered for himself how much fun can be had from self-guided learning.

His "Ancient Cultures" projects have been interesting to watch, with the Egyptian one faltering mid-stride due to distraction, but followed by a far more involvedc "Mayan/Aztec" project... there's just something about boys and blood-thirsty ancient cultures I guess...

Long have we noticed that when given time to wander around outside he will talk to himself, inventing some of the most amazing stories... but is loath to convert them to harcdopy or digital formats... mainly because, he claims, the astress of trying to remember it all is just too much and it washes clean out of his head.

So, in an effort to capture the creative stories, and also head off his claims of a 'mental enema' effect, for Christmas we bought him a small MP3 player that has the ability to record dictation as well. So now, he can wear it outside while doing his gasbagging, then come inside and type down what he said. (Or I may explore piping the recordings through some voice recognition software and converting it to text he can then edit for typos etc.)

Either way, 2010 is going to be a year for exploring new ways to do old things better, and new ways to do new things in a fun way.
